Note: This is one of a series of posts on “Sharing Your Images: Creative Ways, Many Benefits.” Read the first post in the series and see the full Infographic representing a virtual hike in DuPont State Forest, Cedar Mountain, NC,
Just a short post on this final section of the trail “Connect”. Working with photographers and artists of course I’m a big fan of visual social media. These social media platforms (examples: Instagram and SlideShare are two favorites) complement a website and/or blog. These are examples of fun and informative sites. You can find information on just about any topic and also have fun on Instagram with # to attract new followers. It’s easy to sign up for an account and the image is the star so this is a great for platform for those who don’t like or want to write posts.
Fun Instagram Posts:
(Photo: Bruce Siulinski)
(Photo: Bruce Siulinski)
Presentations are another way to share images to connect. Who says presentations must be delivered in front of an audience! Provide a link to friends and family to share your photos on a topic of interest. If you support a cause (more on that in a later post), use your images to develop a presentation for an organization. Here are few slides of a recent presentation I developed – “A Glimpse of Transylvania County” for the Vision Transylvania leadership program. Note the photographer credits. All images in the presentation were provided by photographers. The images on this selection of slides are from: Jack Christfield, Rob Travis, Bruce Siulinski and Roland Haydel. Appreciate all of them sharing their images!
Please join me back on the trail – where we’ll be “hiking” the next section “Sharing Your Images – Illuminate”.
Tags: connection education photographers